Democratic planning processes for diversity, difference and minorities

Democratic planning processes for diversity, difference and minorities


  • Maria Beltran Rodriguez

Palabras clave:

Democracy, equity, decision-making, diversity


This paper explores democratic planning in its various forms and conflicts as an attempt to suggest possible ways to exercise it in today”s contemporary context. Democracy can be an ambiguous term, characterized by equity or equality or both. This ambiguity can also be found on the scope of its implementation. The main disagreement among scholars advocating for “democratic planning”, is whether democracy should be inherent in the decision-making process or in the outcomes which are product of that process. This work articulately distinguishes planners, like Paul Davidoff, who emphasize process from others, like Krumholz, who emphasize outcomes and notes the strengths and shortcomings of both. It uses three case studies, which bring up real examples of many of the dilemmas of practical democratic planning, as part of the analysis that will lead to solid conclusions on how to exercise democratic planning in a contemporary metropolis characterized by diversity, difference and the growing presence of minorities.


